I have published in academic journals and presses, edited volumes, newspapers, magazines and specialized newsletters (see below). My research notes on findings from new primary sources on the international dimensions of the Brazilian nuclear project are featured at the Wilson Center. I also translated and co-organized the first Portuguese-language book on Chinese foreign policy featuring world-renowned IR scholars, and worked on the Portuguese translation of Henry Kissinger's last two books.
Select Publications:
Books and Monographs
Tip-toeing through the Tulips with Congress: How Congressional Attention Constrains Covert Action. With Madison V. Schramm. Forthcoming with the Cambridge Elements Series in International Relations, Cambridge University Press.
Journal articles
"Urban Concentration and Civil War". With Megan Stewart and Michael Weintraub. Journal of Conflict Resolution. Volume 64 Issue 6, July 2020, Pages 1146–1171.
“Anarchy and Authority: International Structure, the Balance of Power, and Hierarchy,” with Daniel Nexon. Journal of Global Security Studies, Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2019, Pages 169–189.
“Gender in the International Studies Quarterly Review Process” with Daniel Nexon. PS: Political Science and Politics, 2018.
“On ‘Theorizing Terrorism’: A Reply to Colin Wight”. International Relations 25 (2): 263-266, 2011
“Chinese Investment in Brazil: Cum Grano Salis” Harvard Asia Quarterly XIII (1): 20-23, 2011
“A Projeção Econômica da China: O Caso Africano (Chinese Economic Projection: The Case of Africa),” with Rodrigo Maciel and Renato Amorim. Revista Política Externa 19 (2): 193-202, 2010
“Desunidos Contra o Terror? O Terrorismo Jihadista e os entraves à Cooperação na Área de Segurança da União Européia, (Disunited Against Terror? Jihadist Terrorism and the obstacles to Security Cooperation in the EU)” Perspectiva Internacional 1: 16-31, 2008
Book chapters
"Witnesses to Nuclear Rapprochement: Key Junctures." With Nicholas J. Wheeler and Matias Spektor In: In: Mallea, R.; Spektor, M.; Wheeler, N.J. (eds.) The Origins of Nuclear Cooperation: A Critical Oral History between Argentina and Brazil. Washington, DC and Rio de Janeiro, RJ: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and FGV, 2015. (PDF. Also available in Portuguese)
“O Multilateralismo na Política Externa Chinesa” (Multilateralism in Chinese Foreign Policy) In: Lazarou, E. (ed.) Multilateralismo no Século XXI. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, pp. 55-78, 2014.
“A presença da China na América Latina e suas implicações para o Brasil” (China’s Presence in Latin America and Implications for Brazil) In: Sorj, B.; Fausto, S. (orgs.) O Brasil e a Governança da América Latina: Que Tipo de Liderança é Possível? São Paulo: Plataforma Democrática, pp. 161-184. 2013.
"China and Brazil: Two Trajectories of a “Strategic Partnership”. With Rodrigo Tavares Maciel. In: HEARN, A. MANRÍQUEZ, J. (eds.) China Engages Latin America: Tracing the Trajectory. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2011.
Work in Progress
"Urban War and Urban Peace: International Security in the Golden Age of Cities", Book manuscript (R&R)
"The Passions and the Interest Rates: Global Economic Order, Inequality, and Interstate Conflict," with Nikhil Kalyanpur.
“Superpower Patrons, Hierarchy, and Restraint in International Crisis Bargaining,” with Matthew Kroenig.
“Hubert Humphrey Goes to China: Counterfactual Analysis and the Normalization of U.S.-China Relations”, with Michael Brenes and Benjamin Toettoe
“The ’Minha Casa, Minha Vida’ Program and the Expansion of Armed Militias”, with Daniel Rio Tinto and Eduardo Achilles Mello
Selected Conference Papers
“On the Other Hand: The Costs of Ambivalence”. With Madison Schramm. International Studies Association Annual Meeting, 2023.
“Nuclear War is Urban War: How Urban Geography Shapes Nuclear Strategy”. APSA 2017 and USSTRATCOM Deterrence Symposium 2018.
“Sex/Gender in the ISQ review process”, APSA 2017 roundtable on “Gender in the Journals: Exploring Potential Biases in Editorial Processes”. With Daniel Nexon.
"Explaining State and Non-State Terrorism: The Utility of a New Typological Theory of Political Violence", Harvard-MIT-Tufts-Yale Conference on Political Violence, 2017.
"Audience Costs or Superpower Patrons? Sources of Restraint in International Crisis Bargaining” With Matthew Kroenig. APSA 2015.
"Still Searching for an Edge: Why Nuclear Superiority Still Doesn’t Matter and What Does". With Madison Schramm. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, 2014.
"State Terror: Weapon of the Weak?" British International Studies Association Annual Conference, 2013.
Magazines, newspapers, blogs, and newsletters
“Biden Should Reject Dangerous Dreams of U.S. Nuclear Superiority”. The National Interest, October 10, 2021.
"Scattered Cities: Why Low Urban Concentration Makes Civil War A (Very) Remote Possibility In The US", Political Violence @ a Glance, Sep 14, 2020. With Megan Stewart and Michael Weintraub.
"Trump’s ‘Madman Theory’ Isn’t Strategic Unpredictability. It’s Just Crazy.” Foreign Policy. April 2017. With Daniel Nexon.
"Trump Won’t Get the Best Deals”. Foreign Affairs Snapshot, Jan 30, 2017. With Daniel Nexon.
"Iranian Nuclear Negotiations: A Long Way from Trust” with Nicholas J. Wheeler. RUSI Newsbrief, v. 32 n. 4. 2012
“Is There a Limit to China's Role in Latin American Energy?" with R. Evan Ellis and Margaret Myers, Latin America Energy Advisor, 06/07/2012.
"Is China a threat to Latin America’s manufacturing base?" with Mauricio Mesquita-Moreira, Congressional Quarterly Global Researcher, 05/06/2012.
"Building Mutual Nuclear Security with Iran", with Nicholas J. Wheeler, Birmingham Brief, 27/04/2012.
“O que a China quer?” (What does China Want?), With Matias Spektor, O Globo, 23/11/2010.
Research Notes
“US Diplomatic Efforts Stalled Brazil's Nuclear Program in 1970s”
“Brazil-Iraq Nuclear Cooperation”
“Brazilian Nuclear Cooperation with the People's Republic of China”